Ethiopia to Honor Proactive Diasporas in National Dev’t, Image Building

Ethiopian Diaspora Service announced a plan to organize an event to recognize and honor members of the diaspora who have been intensively contributing to the development and image building activities of the country.

The Director General of Ethiopian Diaspora Agency, Mohammed Idris briefed the media today about the planned event.

The Director General mentioned in his briefing that the Ethiopian diaspora have been playing crucial role in ensuring peace, building the image of the country and to accelerating development efforts of the nation.

Members of the diaspora have also extended great contribution with their finance and knowledge particularly over the past two years in Ethiopia’s effort to defend its sovereignty by overcoming the challenges it faced, he pointed out.

The Director General said that members of the Ethiopian diaspora who have been intensively engaged in the development and image building activities of the country will be honored at a ceremony planned to be held on the 26th of January, 2023.

“Encouraging the diaspora networks is critical to motivate the participation of the overall diaspora community and Ethiopians as a whole; he said indicating that the nation has planned a big diaspora award program for the first time to honor them for their contribution to the national development in Ethiopia.”

Accordingly, some 45 strong diaspora networks and organizations that are engaged in various sectors in 25 countries across the globe with large Ethiopian diaspora communities will be recognized for their support to Ethiopia, he added.

The event will be organized in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other partners under the title “ Ethio-Diaspora Award,” Mohammed said.

Members of the diaspora, who have been extending extraordinary contribution including in terms of finance and knowledge to their country and people, will be honored, the Director General stated.

Mohammed also pointed out that efforts will be made to create a conducive environment to the Ethiopian diaspora organizations and networks with a view to enable them form a coalition and work in unison for the development of Ethiopia.

Senior government officials, members of the diaspora and other guests are expected to present at the ceremony.

A book that depicts the contribution of Ethiopian diaspora networks located across the globe will also be inaugurated during the event, it was learned.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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