Ethiopia, Sudan Leaders Agree to Resolve Differences Peacefully

Ethiopia and Sudan have agreed to resolve disputes, including border disputes, through peaceful discussion.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Transitional Sovereignty Council of Sudan Chairman General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan have held discussion on the sidelines of the IGAD Summit in Nairobi today.

The two leaders discussed bilateral and regional issues and agreed to work together to resolve differences peacefully.

Prime Minister Abiy said there are many issues that bring Ethiopia and Sudan closer to work together rather than create conflict between them.

Therefore, we have agreed to strengthen the relationship between the two countries by resolving differences in a civilized manner through dialogue to benefit the two countries and people, he added.

The leaders have also agreed to refrain from actions that could lead to conflict.

The premier revealed that the two countries have agreed to set up a committee to resolve some of the issues through dialogue and negotiations in a manner that respects international principles.

According to him, Ethiopia and Sudan have agreed to work together on peace and development, cooperation and mutual benefit.

Abiy finally reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to work with the Sudanese people for peace and development.

Transitional Sovereignty Council of Sudan Chairman, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said on his part that the leaders have agreed to resolve differences peacefully.

Ethiopia and Sudan are strong and long-standing sisterly countries, General al-Burhan said, adding that “we will not benefit from the conflict.”

Therefore, the two countries will work together for the benefit and future cooperation of the two people, he underlined.

General al-Burhan added that an agreement has been reached to resolve disputes over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the border in a peaceful manner.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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