Ethiopia Shares Experience on Implementation of 10-year Dev’t Plan on Sidelines of LDC5 Summit

Addis Ababa Ethiopia has shared the trajectory of its development experience focusing on the implementation of the 10-year Development Plan that is underway in line with the Homegrown Economic Reform at the event held on the sidelines of the Fifth UN Conference on the LDC5 Summit in Doha, Qatar.

Minister of Planning and Development, Fisum Assefa joined other panelists at UNCTAD’s event organized on the sidelines of the LDC5 Summit in Doha, Qatar.

The event, which was organized under the theme “Holistic and Multisectoral Interventions to Address Systemic and Structural Vulnerabilities in LDCs” deliberated on new-generation policies, strategies, and operational modalities to address LDCs’ systemic & structural vulnerabilities.

The discussion showcased lessons from UNCTAD’s ongoing multiyear, multisectoral program in Angola.

The minister shared the trajectory of Ethiopia’s dev’t experience focusing on the implementation of the 10-year Development Plan that is underway in line with the Homegrown Economic Reform.

Measures being undertaken to ensure coherence and consistency of the implementation of policies of various sectoral ministries in Ethiopia were also highlighted at the event.

The Minister emphasized the importance of reviewing exit strategies when partners complete development projects in LDCs in order to ensure sustainability of outcomes.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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