Ethiopia Science Museum Key to Avert Anti-Africa Narratives: African Journalists

The Ethiopian Science Museum can change the erroneous narratives against Africa, African journalists said.

Journalists of different African countries including from Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa and Niger visited the recently inaugurated Ethiopian Science Museum.

The journalists stated that the museum depicts that Ethiopia has given due attention to the science sector.

We have witnessed science and innovations that will have significant importance to the development of Ethiopia and Africa, they added.

The Rwandan journalist Johnson Canmujere said that the museum shows Africa’s current position and its future aspiration in science sector.

“In my view this is a step in the right direction as we want to see in the future and going forward; we want to see Africans thinking of the western while going out of the continent to outsource solutions.

That is basically what I see and as an African writer and journalist this tells me that I need to amplify this story and give space for African scientists, innovators and anyone in the science field as such we talk of the continent as not miserable, it is all about conflict and we can’t help ourselves,’ he elaborated.

He added that Ethiopia has self-reliantly started its journey of development and prosperity through scientific innovations.

The museum is instrumental to avert the false narrative of portraying Africa with conflict and poverty and maintain the reality that it is a beacon of hope.

South African journalist, Simi Aref expressed that Ethiopia’s experience in this regard should be expanded across the continent.

“Africa is hub of technology. I think there is a lot of technology and tech minds in Africa and this should be reported more throughout Africa. I think museums like this and exhibitions help showcase all our talents,” he noted.

African Union Communication Head, Wynne Musabayana said that the museum is an eye opener for Africans.

 “In the African Union we have communications function and the aim is to reframe the narrative about Africa and what the world knows about Africa.

So being here at this fair has really shown us the progress that Africa is making, especially in terms of the youth of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in particular.

We have seen some displays from the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute about health, monitoring security and things like that.

So it is really wonderful to see that Africa is making so much progress on its own because we always say that as Africans we need to find solutions to our problems and we can see that the institute is doing exactly that.

So today we are here with a group of media people as well as content creators and it is under what we call African media fellowship.

So this is part of that exercise to let them be aware of the different developments in science and technology and many other areas of our existence” she elaborated.

It will also support in changing the erroneous narrative against Africa, she said, adding that Africa can address its changes through technology and AI.

They added that they will give it media coverage so that other African countries can replicate it.

The Science Museum which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has a unique architecture.

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