Ethiopia Says Global Partnership that Respects Sovereignty Critical for Development

Addis Ababa Ethiopia said it’s critical to have a global partnership that respects sovereignty and national ownership, as well as a multilateral system that effectively works for the most vulnerable countries.

A high-level meeting on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) was held at the 77th session of the General Assembly New York.

Participants discussed the unique challenges facing LDCs and LLDCs and the best way to strengthen partnerships and cooperation to address those challenges for the nations in these groups.

Director General of International Organizations at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ayele Lyre, claimed that his country made courageous decisions to open its financial market to foreign investment, which resulted in measurable GDP growth, an increase in export revenues, the creation of 3 million jobs in a year, and the mobilization of domestic resources to finance pro-poor programs.

According to Ayele the Doha Programme of Action, which stressed the significance of renewed and strengthened global commitments with the aim of achieving rapid, sustainable, and inclusive recovery and resilience, provided an important blueprint for LDCs to overcome the effects of the global crises.

He elaborated that LDCs, including Ethiopia, have enormous development potential to contribute to global growth, driven by committed leadership and energized by the youth population.

While Ethiopia, like other least developed countries, is mindful of its internal challenges, including poverty, inflation, unemployment, and food and energy insecurity, he stressed.

Ayele underlined it’s “critical to have a global partnership that respects sovereignty and national ownership, as well as a multilateral system that effectively works for the most vulnerable countries.”

In a video message, Secretary-General António Guterres advocated for “bold investments” in health, education, and social protection systems; financial architecture reform; job-creation, particularly in digital, care, and green economies; gender equality for girls and women; and support to end fossil fuel reliance and jump-start a renewable energy transition.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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