Ethiopia Reaffirms Unflinching Commitment to Fight against Terrorism

Ethiopia reaffirmed its unflinching commitment to the fight against terrorism, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ethiopia has participated in the Conference of Supporters and Donors for the International Academy on the Fight against Terrorism.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou and Minister of Defense of Côte d’Ivoire, Téné Birahima Ouattara opened the conference that was held on Tuesday at the French Ministry of Europe and European Affairs in Paris.

Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Ambassadors and high ranking military officers from countries all over the world attended the conference, which share a common objective in eradicating terrorism.

During the occasion, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Tesfaye Yilma delivered on-line remarks to the Conference underlining Ethiopia’s unflinching commitment to the fight against terrorism, and stressing the need for comprehensive approach encompassing military, security and economic components.

He recalled Ethiopia’s contribution and great sacrifice in the fight against terrorism and for the maintenance of peace and security in the Horn of Africa.

He mentioned the great sacrifice that the country is making as part of peace operations in Somalia against the terrorism group Al Shabab, which has enabled the successful holding of elections in the country.

In view of the increasing threat of terrorism throughout the continent, he urged for greater coordination among international partners, governments and regional mechanisms within the African Union peace and security architecture and called on increased development support to African countries.

The State Minister has also pledged Ethiopia’s strong support to the International Academy on the Fight against Terrorism and its readiness to work in partnership with the Academy.

The International Academy on the Fight against Terrorism was established in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire at the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron of France and President Alassane Ouattra of Côte d’Ivoire.

The Academy aims to contribute to the fight against terrorism in Africa by serving an international centre of reference and expertise and enabling cooperation among the local, national and international levels.

In particular, the Academy undertakes research with a view to enable successful counter-terrorism policies, avails training to professionals in the frontline in the fight against terrorism, and fosters international partnerships.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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