Ethiopia protection cluster strategy 2020-2022

The Ethiopia Protection Cluster Strategy arises from a workshop in which numerous members of the protection cluster in Ethiopia [representatives of United Nations (UN) agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs) and donors] – from the field and from Addis Ababa – engaged in active discussions about the larger and pressing protection issues in Ethiopia (the time of the creation of the strategy,
November 2019).

While there were many pressing protection issues facing affected persons in Ethiopia, for the purposes of achieving collective outcomes, output, activities it was necessary to prioritize – not only to ensure focus, but also to enable the cluster to make progress towards achieving the outcomes. Prioritization does not mean that individual organizations within the protection cluster will not work on other important and pressing protection issues, as they already are, and will continue to do so. Further, the specialized areas of responsibility (AoR) within the protection cluster – Gender Based Violence (GBV)/Child Protection (CP), Housing, Land and Property (HLP), and Site Management Support (SMS) will also continue to address more specific protection issues related more closely to their areas of specialization.

It is important to note, as well, that the strategy remains a living document; thus the priorities and outcomes, outputs, and activities therein will be reviewed regularly to ensure they continue to be relevant, achievable, and be changed as needed to reflect changed priorities or a changing situation on the ground.


Source:  Protection Cluster/UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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