Ethiopia Playing Exemplary Role in Environmental Protection: Commander of EASF

Ethiopia has played and is playing an exemplary role in environmental protection, Commander of Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Brigadier General Domitien Kabisa said.

Participants of the 2022 African Youth Conference for Peace Program and members of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) planted trees in Addis Ababa at Gullele Botanic Garden today.

During the occasion, Eastern Africa Standby Force Commander, Brigadier General Domitien Kabisa stated that the objective of the tree planting is aimed at protecting the environment and promoting peace.

Africa needs not just environmental protection, but also environmental restoration, he said, stressing th need to restore the natural flora and fauna that Africa used to have decades back.

“That way we can prevent natural disaster, drought and eventually food insecurity,” Brig General Kabisa further noted.

Women and Social Affairs Minister, Ergoge Tesfaye said the Green Legacy initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is the path for environmental protection.

“This year we are doing it here in Ethiopia, but next year the ministry is planning to stretch ourselves to our region,” she pointed out.

This year Ethiopian youth are participating in cross-regional voluntary service, Ergoge said, and revealed “next year together with Eastern Africa Standby Force, AU and UN voluntary we will make it a cross border.”

Through the Green Legacy, Ethiopia has planted 18 billion seedlings during the past three years and plans to plan 6 billion seedlings this year.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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