Ethiopia Leading the Way To Emancipate African People from Neo-colonial Mindset: Scholars from Kenya, Somalia

Scholars from Kenya and Somalia said that Ethiopia has been currently leading “the way in freeing the African people from the neo-colonial mindset” as the country is fighting a proxy war waged by Western powers.


Former Deputy Speaker of the Kenyan Parliament and politician, Farah Maalim and Somali Researcher and Political Analyst, Dr. Abdiwahab  Abdisamad are in Addis  to demonstrate their solidarity to Ethiopia in its struggle against the middling of foreign  powers.


Speaking to ENA, Former Deputy Speaker of the Kenyan Parliament, Farah Maalim said that the Ethiopian government and people have been fighting against proxy war which is being intensified by the developed world saying that “it is exemplary to Africans.”


He also urged Africans from all corners to join Ethiopia’s neo-colonial struggle to say “no more”; otherwise,  the whole continent would be facing a second wave of colonialism.


“We don’t want African issues to be tackled and to be determined  in other capitals like the Western capitals or the American capital. So we are saying no more interference in the internal affairs of the African continent. In this regard, Ethiopia has led the way in freeing the African people from the colonial mindset,  of not trusting in their own decision,” Maalim noted.


The speaker also lauded the people and government of Ethiopia under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, for being vigilant  and rallying  together in the toughest ongoing hybrid war,  launched on Ethiopia by the US and some of its western allies.


“We want to commend your people and your government more specifically; Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who at this time did what is frankly in the eyes of the so called developed world by taking a personal risk. He has been seen what has done to those people who tried to set the independence of their own countries, communities and regions.”


According to him, “Prime Minister Abiy  has taken ‘the bull by the horns’ and decided that we cannot listen  from outside to determine our own issues as a continent. I think the African continent is going to come in solidarity with Ethiopia.”


Despite the fact that Africa has both sufficient and untapped natural resources, the deputy speaker underscored the continent has still remained under the  exploitation for the Western countries and Africa  is not in control of its own resources.


However, Maalim strongly argues it is time for Africa to take charge of its own affairs.


Appreciating Ethiopia’s decision which is working hard to thwart the threat whatever the risks, the speaker prophesied this struggle is going to be fired at one end, to any other end of the African continent.


“All conflicts are created outside and transported into our continent. So we have come to demonstrate our solidarity with this new light to Africa….Thanks God, for the people and government of Ethiopia have decided they are going to do it whatever the risks. I am sure the continent is going to come and the struggle is going to enegulf one end to the other end of Africa. All of them are going to come out and say no more.”


He finally hoped that Ethiopia would overcome all the difficulties that come from internal and external forces as well as the country would integrate not only the people of Ethiopia but also the people of the Horn of Africa.


“Now the conflict in the Northern part of the country in Tigray has been contained. We expect Ethiopians to begin rebuilding their own country. The country will integrate not only the people of Ethiopia but the people of the horn of Africa also by creating an economic block that will essentially become the biggest IGAD region trade block in the world.”


On his part, Somali Researcher and Political Analyst, Dr. Abdiwahab  Abdisamad said  the Western imperialists have now been seeking  fragile Ethiopia   and having  a small puppet government.


Acknowledging that Africa is today under the attack from Somalia to Senegal, however, he  underlined  that Ethiopia’s  firm position on external pressure  will serve as  a wakeup call to the people  of Africa  to  say  no more neo-colonization of Africa.


“Africa is awake and we are not at the time of the 1960s or 70s. If you look at the Horn of Africa today, people from Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and other countries have read the same script and they come together against Western conspiracy. I think this has happened because of Ethiopia, and it is something to be proud of the country.”


The researcher further stated that Ethiopia is fighting a proxy war  that has been inflicted by the United States of America and some European countries against the very existence of the country.


However, he is hopeful that Ethiopia will once again prove its symbol of liberation, overcoming  from the pressure of Western powers and  Africans will always remember it.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

Scholars from Kenya and Somalia said that Ethiopia has been currently leading “the way in freeing the African people from the neo-colonial mindset” as the country is fighting a proxy war waged by Western powers.


Former Deputy Speaker of the Kenyan Parliament and politician, Farah Maalim and Somali Researcher and Political Analyst, Dr. Abdiwahab  Abdisamad are in Addis  to demonstrate their solidarity to Ethiopia in its struggle against the middling of foreign  powers.


Speaking to ENA, Former Deputy Speaker of the Kenyan Parliament, Farah Maalim said that the Ethiopian government and people have been fighting against proxy war which is being intensified by the developed world saying that “it is exemplary to Africans.”


He also urged Africans from all corners to join Ethiopia’s neo-colonial struggle to say “no more”; otherwise,  the whole continent would be facing a second wave of colonialism.


“We don’t want African issues to be tackled and to be determined  in other capitals like the Western capitals or the American capital. So we are saying no more interference in the internal affairs of the African continent. In this regard, Ethiopia has led the way in freeing the African people from the colonial mindset,  of not trusting in their own decision,” Maalim noted.


The speaker also lauded the people and government of Ethiopia under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, for being vigilant  and rallying  together in the toughest ongoing hybrid war,  launched on Ethiopia by the US and some of its western allies.


“We want to commend your people and your government more specifically; Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who at this time did what is frankly in the eyes of the so called developed world by taking a personal risk. He has been seen what has done to those people who tried to set the independence of their own countries, communities and regions.”


According to him, “Prime Minister Abiy  has taken ‘the bull by the horns’ and decided that we cannot listen  from outside to determine our own issues as a continent. I think the African continent is going to come in solidarity with Ethiopia.”


Despite the fact that Africa has both sufficient and untapped natural resources, the deputy speaker underscored the continent has still remained under the  exploitation for the Western countries and Africa  is not in control of its own resources.


However, Maalim strongly argues it is time for Africa to take charge of its own affairs.


Appreciating Ethiopia’s decision which is working hard to thwart the threat whatever the risks, the speaker prophesied this struggle is going to be fired at one end, to any other end of the African continent.


“All conflicts are created outside and transported into our continent. So we have come to demonstrate our solidarity with this new light to Africa….Thanks God, for the people and government of Ethiopia have decided they are going to do it whatever the risks. I am sure the continent is going to come and the struggle is going to enegulf one end to the other end of Africa. All of them are going to come out and say no more.”


He finally hoped that Ethiopia would overcome all the difficulties that come from internal and external forces as well as the country would integrate not only the people of Ethiopia but also the people of the Horn of Africa.


“Now the conflict in the Northern part of the country in Tigray has been contained. We expect Ethiopians to begin rebuilding their own country. The country will integrate not only the people of Ethiopia but the people of the horn of Africa also by creating an economic block that will essentially become the biggest IGAD region trade block in the world.”


On his part, Somali Researcher and Political Analyst, Dr. Abdiwahab  Abdisamad said  the Western imperialists have now been seeking  fragile Ethiopia   and having  a small puppet government.


Acknowledging that Africa is today under the attack from Somalia to Senegal, however, he  underlined  that Ethiopia’s  firm position on external pressure  will serve as  a wakeup call to the people  of Africa  to  say  no more neo-colonization of Africa.


“Africa is awake and we are not at the time of the 1960s or 70s. If you look at the Horn of Africa today, people from Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and other countries have read the same script and they come together against Western conspiracy. I think this has happened because of Ethiopia, and it is something to be proud of the country.”


The researcher further stated that Ethiopia is fighting a proxy war  that has been inflicted by the United States of America and some European countries against the very existence of the country.


However, he is hopeful that Ethiopia will once again prove its symbol of liberation, overcoming  from the pressure of Western powers and  Africans will always remember it.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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