Ethiopia Launches Catalytic Actions on Governance of Labor Migration for Dev’t, Integration in Africa

The Catalytic Actions of the Joint AU-ILO-IOM-ECA Program on the Governance of Labor Migration for Development and Integration in Africa (JLMP Action) project was launched in Ethiopia today.

This was the latest national launch for selected African Union Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs), following similar unveiling in Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire and Cameroun over the past few months, according to the African Union Commission.

The aim of the program is strengthening the governance and regulation of labor migration in Africa in line with the First 2023 Ten Year Plan of the AU’s Agenda 2063 and of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In her remarks during the launching program, Labor and Skills Development Minister Muferihat Kamil said improving labor migration governance, strengthening the protection of migrant workers rights, and making regular labor more accessible requires the concerted efforts of different stakeholders.

The role of JLMP in this regard is paramount, she added.

The minister also highlighted the need to create an interface and integration of the various regional and continental platforms and initiatives already in place towards improving labor migration governance, strengthening the protection of migrant workers rights and making regular labor migration more accessible.

African Union Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, Minata Cessouma Samate said “as the AU Commission our mandate includes promotion of safe, orderly, dignified and regular migration as well as providing support for the implementation of member states policies on labor, employment, population, health and migration.

“We remain committed to supporting you to implement the priorities you have identified, to facilitate experience sharing with other member states and to strengthen linkages with other complementary processes.”

The commissioner called on member states to ratify the AU Protocol on Free Movement of Persons and all relevant international and regional instruments improving the protection of migrant workers, support the development and implementation of the African Qualifications Framework for adequate skills and recognition of qualifications in order to achieve the vision of Agenda 2063.

IOM Ethiopia Acting Chief of Mission and Representative to AU and ECA, Jian Zhang reiterated that IOM, in collaboration with the AUC and ILO, will implement JLMP activities in alignment with national policies and priorities with key initiatives.

ILO Ethiopia Chief Technical Advisor, Ruchika Bahl said on his part “ILO has a large project portfolio on labor migration in Ethiopia. Today, we are proudly adding to it the JLMP Action that focuses on effective management of labor migration and labor migration governance for development.”

Ambassador of Switzerland to Ethiopia, Tamara Mona reiterated that tangible improvements in promoting better labor migration governance will only happen if there is change at the national and community level, commending Ethiopia for agreeing to implement the JLMP.

“Let me assure you that Switzerland’s commitment to supporting the government of Ethiopia, the African Union and its member states to implement this program to achieve sustainable development in Africa in the long term, in line with the JLMP strategic framework, and we also encourage other development partners to join forces in supporting this important Program,” she added.

IGAD representative and Coordinator for Regional Migration Fund, Ibrahim Kasso pledged IGAD’s full commitment to support the implementation of the projects activities so as to address the migration challenges experienced in the region, including irregular migration, inadequate labor governance, lack of reliable labor migration data and limited ratification and implementation of international standards.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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