Ethiopia, Indonesia Need to Further Explore Potentials in Universities for Betterment of Countries

Ethiopia and Indonesia need to further explore potentials in universities in order to make the two countries better and stronger, Indonesia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur said the relationship between Ethiopia and Indonesia is growing steadily in almost all sectors.

“I have a strategy to make our two countries closer and stronger. University’s connectivity, collaboration and togetherness should be encouraged and developed faster because I have a very good relation with many outstanding Indonesian universities and here in Ethiopian public and private universities.”

Ambassador Basnur said “I don’t want to lose this chance. I have to make something, create something meaningful and beneficial for the countries through universities because a university is the center of excellence.”

Furthermore, he noted that whatever we talk about — cooperation, politics, economy, social and culture, the think-tank, the persons who are capable and the power of thinking are in the universities.

“We have to dig it up and explore the potentials in the universities in Ethiopia and Indonesia to make the two countries better and stronger not only for the welfare of Ethiopia and Indonesia but also for the region and the world,” the ambassador stressed.

Talking about Ethiopia and Indonesia, we have to expand and develop that the two countries’ lecturers, outstanding universities to think beyond Ethiopia and Indonesia..

Ambassador Basnur urged that the universities should work by exploring the challenges and opportunities that the two countries through universities can do together.

Indonesia has almost 5000 universities and 8.4 million students and what the ambassador wants  to do is create a situation whereby the universities in Indonesia and Ethiopia share their best experiences and best practices.

Last year alone 17 memorandums of understanding (MoU) were signed between Arba Minch University and Indonesian universities, it was learned.

According to the ambassador, 23 MoU are signed between Ethiopian and Indonesian universities.

This is one of the very strategic ways we can encourage and develop the quality of education because education is needed to share the best experiences and practices between our two countries, he stated.

Ethiopia has huge potential and qualified human resources and also education institutions. Similarly, Indonesia also has both the potential and human resources, Ambassador Basnur explained.

“Why don’t we try to combine these? Why don’t we try to connect them? It is my duty to connect the universities in Ethiopia and Indonesia.”

He said the Embassy of Indonesia here in Addis Ababa will play a pivotal role to connect the universities through signing memorandums of understanding .


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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