Ethiopia Emergency Shelter/NFI Cluster: Tigray Region Bulletin Q2 2022


For the year 2022, the ES/NFI Cluster has targeted a total of 4.5 million people in need including IDPs, returnees and affected communities, out of which 28% are from Tigray region. Halfway into the year, Cluster partners have been able to reach 287K individuals in Tigray. Thus, with completed, ongoing and planned activities, the Cluster will be able to reach only 41% of its overall target for the region, with a huge gap of 863K individuals.

Need Analysis

The second quarter of 2022 experienced even more displacements compared to the first, the highest being observed in the month of May.

With fights in the West intensified, 10,355 individuals were displaced from Western Tigray and woredas bordering Eritrea to Endabaguna, Mai Tsebri, Tselemti, Tsimbala, Embasneiti and Enticho woredas. In addition, 10,000 IDP households were received in Mai Tsebri and 8,000 in Stadium (Dedebit) Site in Sheraro, with the displaced families living in unfinished buildings, warehouses, stadiums, and open areas and are in dire need of shelter and NFI assistance. During this time, 10,000 IDPs also joined the different sites in Shire. On the other hand, 5,794 IDPs previously displaced due to volatile security situation in Erob from Zalambesa to Fatsi town (15 km from Adigrat) host community has moved to Fekadi Primary School due to social cohesion issues, while IDPs from Afar continue to arrive in Quiha (near Mekelle). These people are living in classrooms taking turns sleeping or in industrial sheds and immediate shelter solution is required.

In addition, the rainy season has exacerbated the living conditions of the IDPs and host communities alike, with extensive shelter damage reported in Mekelle and Shire IDP sites. Selekleka town experienced heavy flooding which resulted in 5 houses being totally destroyed and 98 partially damaged, while flooding in Sheraro caused damage to 73 houses, indicating the need for shelter repair kits as well as replacement of NFIs that are swept away. With even heavier rains predicted in the coming 3 months, massive preparations need to be in place by all parties to be able to respond effectively and prevent further damages.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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