Ethiopia Committed to Working with Int’l Community to Ensure Peace, Development

Ethiopia is committed to working with international community based on mutual trust and cooperation to ensure peace and development in the country, according to Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense has briefed military attachés and representatives of international organizations residing in Addis Ababa on current issues related to northern part of the country particularly Tigray region.

The briefing was focused on justifications regarding the objectives of the law enforcement measures from the onset to its up-to-date developments.

Speaking at the occasion, Head of Mechanized Coordination and Military Affairs Main Department at Ministry of Defense, Lt.Gen. Alemshet Degfie said peace, development and cooperation are the prerequisite for our times.

He added that people all over the world are raising their voices in favor of peace, development, cooperation against war, poverty and confrontation.

Lt.Gen. Alemshet underscored that without peaceful and stable international environment, development is impossible for any country.

“Everyone here has an important role to play in maintaining peace and security of the world. No matter how many talented people the world may have, if the society lacks peace and security, it can hardly be operated in abnormal way. I can assure you that we are always committed to cooperate with all of you since our cooperation is based on mutual trust and wide range of defense related field of cooperation,” he said.

For the mutual benefit of all, Lt. General Alemshet said that it is crucial to work together on common issues by putting aside our differences.

Foreign Relations and Military Cooperation Director General at the Ministry of Defense Maj. General Teshome Gemechu on his part said the purpose of this occasion is not for diplomatic consumption, it is rather intended to remind you the facts you know and also some facts which you may not know about the conflict in Tigray.

Beside, it is to show you that our door is open for you to collaborate with us on issues of peace and security in the region, he said.

He expressed his hope that the briefing  may assist to erase the wrong perception some of them had about the crisis and make a clearance and awareness about the issue which is going until now.

“Taking this opportunity, I want to take once again an opportunity of inviting you to work with us together for ensuring our mutual interest.We need not necessarily have a total agreement to work together with you; however, keeping our difference,  we can work together on our common issues and contribute to the peace in the region and the globe as well by doing our part.”

Public Diplomacy Director General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dina Mufti on his part highlighted the genuine interest of Ethiopian government to realize peace and security in the country.

He added that the objective of this gathering is to rectify misperception among some international community on what Ethiopia is doing.

Ambassador Dina Mufti went on as saying: “Here I would like to state some outstanding facts that we should take from this: one is the delivery of aid to Tigray region, now a day has reached a milestone, going well beyond the UN stated goal of 500 trucks per week. But now, the delivery level has surpassed that one. This is one fact that we should realize right now.”

He also highlighted the need to strengthen cooperation with the international community and call them to render support in critical areas.

Military Attachés of various countries residing in Addis Ababa, representatives of UNDP, ICRC, AU, general officers and other government officials attended the briefing.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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