Ethiopia Committed To Play Role In Resolving Challenges In Horn of Africa: Security Adviser

Ethiopia is ready and committed to play its part in resolving the crisis in the Horn of Africa, National Security Adviser of the Prime Minister, Ambassador Rewdan Hussein said.

The first ever China-Horn of Africa peace, governance and Development conference kicked off today in Addis Abeba.

At the opening of the conference, National Security Adviser of the Prime Minister, Ambassador Rewdan Hussein said Ethiopia is honored to host the first conference on the horn of Africa proposed by our strategic partner China.

“We consider it as an expression of our readiness and commitment to play our part in resolving the crisis in the region,” he elaborated.

This initiative is owned, led, managed and driven by the countries of the horn and China only play supportive roles as and when requested, according to Redwan.

He said “We have no shortage of initiatives. several initiatives have come and gone without yielding desire result because they were either driven by external interest or were just imposed.”

Whereas there are some initiatives showing some signs of progress he said, adding “we need to take stock of our past successes and failures so that the failures are not repeated.”

The peace, security and development of the region concerns us the most he stated, underlining the fact that the regional economic, social infrastructure, integration cannot be effective without robust, resilient and vibrant institutions and governance.

He suggested a road-map that could provide the region with a follow up and regular engagement mechanism as well as commending a strategy to bolster people to people relations, including the launching of public diplomacy.

“Decisional cooperation can be considered by not forgetting the imperative of creating conducive legal and policy frameworks for the free flow of people, goods and services across our people and borders, the kind of things that can forge finance, economic integration and trade facilitation. The opportunity should not be missed or squandered. If we are determined we can be certain we will not be alone,” he underlined.

China’s Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Xue Bing on his part said this region enjoys unique geographical location and abundant natural endowments that has given birth to expanding history and civilizations.

“In recent times, however, peace and development of this region has to go challenge. The home countries paid a price how to build lasting peace and development,” he elaborated.

As good friends and partner of countries of horn Africa, China put forward dialogue, peace and development for the horn of Africa in the beginning of this year, based on the region’s reality and the past experience, according to the special envoy.

He reiterated that this dialogue is aimed at supporting countries in the region to get rid of an external interference, response to the triple challenges of security, development and governance to realize peace, development and prosperity.

“What we learn from the lessons of history, that the Horn of Africa must not become the backyard of any country rather, the people of this region should be the masters of their own country’s destiny,” according to the Special Envoy.

Bing reaffirmed that China will continue to support countries in the region to hold the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security as well as protect regional peace and security and silence the guns in the Horn of Africa.

“We stand ready to support countries in the horn on development, accelerate regional integration, enhance connectivity, boost homegrown economic development, explore complementarity among one another and step up cooperation in areas including agriculture, trade, manufacturing and infrastructure with a view to foster industrial and economic and create more jobs and growth,” he underscored.

The two-day first ever conference is a China-led initiative that is made possible with the full cooperation of countries in the region aiming to promote peace, good governance and development in the region.

It is indicated that the meeting is expected to offer a platform for the countries in the region to settle their differences through negotiations.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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