Ethio-Russian Relationship Bearing Fresh Fruits in Various Spheres: Prosperity Party Public, Int’l Relations Head

The century-long historical relationship between Ethiopia and Russia has borne fresh fruits in many areas, Bikila Hurisa, Prosperity Party Public and International Relations Head said.


In an exclusive interview with ENA, the head stated that the comprehensive partnership between the two countries has been gaining momentum toward ensuring the significant benefits of the nations.


According to him, the two countries have multi-faced and robust bilateral relationship which has advanced into a strong political, people-to-people, party-to-party, diplomatic and economic as well as cultural relationship.


The relation between Ethiopia and Russia is a very longstanding relationship that is more than a century and which is not changed through times and conditions, Bikila noted.


“The two countries have very strong political, diplomatic and economic as well as cultural relationship that has passed from generation from generation. And through this people-to-people, government to government, and diplomatic relationship, people have benefited significantly.”


The Ethiopian people have in particular benefited from the cultural and social ties between the people of Russia, the head pointed out.


There are lots of strategic relationships between the people of Ethiopia and Russia in terms of education, culture, science and also people-to-people ties, he stated, adding that these are now significantly institutional.


Bikila pointed out that this principle-based diplomatic relationship between the two nations is not shaken by time and condition.


Speaking about party-to-party relationship between Prosperity Party and its counterpart the United Russia party, the head said the relationship is being institutionalized these days and the parties have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.


Since  the United Russia party is one of the strongest political parties that has been solving the political and economic problems of the Russian people, the head said Ethiopia’s Prosperity Party  learns lots of lessons from this party.


“The United Russia Party, which is probably one of the strongest parties in the world, has very clear vision in addressing the social, political and economic problems of Russian people. The party has benefited not only the Russian people but also the people of Ethiopia in terms of clearly understanding the political, economic and social interests of the Ethiopian people.”


He further noted, “In such a way we can exchange knowledge, experience, policies and the like. So, Prosperity party is learning a lot from the United Russia Party. Not only is the relationship party-to-party, the Government of Ethiopia has a very strong and strategic relationship with the Russian government in terms of political relation, poverty reduction, economic development, and ensuring prosperity.”


The head appreciated the Russian government and the people for clearly understanding the key problems that Ethiopia  has been facing.


“One of the most important principle-based positions that the Russian government and people have taken with regard to the problems in Ethiopia is that the Ethiopian problems can be solved by Ethiopians themselves,” Bikila underscored.


This is a very strong and interesting relationship that has benefited Ethiopia and the people of Ethiopia, he said.


The head said, “In terms of post-war rehabilitation and development that Ethiopia is going to implement, I am sure Russia will be by the side of Ethiopia.”


Bikila finally emphasized that he hopes Russia, which has been by the side of Ethiopia over the last one hundred-year, will continue to support Ethiopia in the future, including during the times of challenges and post-conflict rehabilitation and development activities.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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