Ethio-American Urges Diaspora to Explain Ethiopian Version of Truth to American People

The Ethiopian Diaspora in the United States need to step up efforts to explain their country’s version of truth to the American people, an Ethio-American told ENA.

Argaw Ayele, an American citizen of Ethiopian descent, said that there are more than one million Ethiopian Diaspora in the US alone.

According to him, the Ethiopian Diaspora community residing in the United States of America are vocal in the affairs of their home country.

Those Diaspora have, for instance, been intensifying unprecedented protests against the ongoing Western pressure, and they have continued strongly condemning the current US Administration for its unreasonable influence on Ethiopia, Argaw stated.

However, the American stresses that the potential of the diaspora community has not been adequately exploited in the face of the threats posed by foreign powers against Ethiopia.

The effort of Ethiopians in the United States is commendable, Argaw stated, adding that the Ethiopian problem at present however requires more engagements.

In addition to demonstrations in front of the White House, he stressed the need for organized public activities that  should be strengthened.

Accordingly, he said Ethiopians in each state should go to the offices of members of the Senate and Congress representatives to explain the truth on the Ethiopian side and challenge them about US unwarranted pressure against their homeland.

“I do not believe there is a state in the United States where there are no Ethiopians. Since the American people believe in discussion, every Ethiopian in the United States should be able to go to his/her Senator’s office and explain the matter. I don’t think we should always go to the White House and hold rally. I believe it is possible to make the American people stand by us by explaining the current situation wherever we meet them.”

Noting that Ethiopia and the United States have enjoyed a close relationship for many years, Argaw said the American people and government should be separated in understanding the political dynamics.

He noted that the American people have not encouraged any pressures against Ethiopia but the country’s government has a wrong stand in this regard. Thus, the truth must be told and explained to the people of the United States.

He also appreciated patriotic Ethiopians who are working hard to explain the reality of their country on social media platforms saying “this is commendable and should be strengthened.”

Acknowledging that the social media has been fueling the information war in Ethiopia, Argaw stressed that the diaspora should contribute its share by avoiding insults and hatred and focusing on the truth.

“We must be able to change the course of the hatred dominated narratives and communication discourse on social media by doing only good things. I think this approach will help us to just tell the truth for Americans as well as those countries that might seek pressure against Ethiopia and nurture rationality in this regard.”


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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