Electric Utility Lays Cornerstone for 36 Floor Building

A foundation for a 36-floor building that houses the Ethiopian Electric Utility was laid in Addis Ababa today.

Speaking on the occasion, Finance Minister Ahmed Shide said the Ethiopian Electric Utility  needs to utilize its resources to meet the needs of its customers as part of the economic reform initiative.

He added that the office to be built with 1.2 billion Birr would be equipped with modern technology that enables it to provide competitive service.

Ethiopian Electric  Utility CEO,  Shiferaw Telila stated that the company is undertaking various reforms to fulfill the ever-expanding customers  demand and quality service.

The construction of the new building will create a conducive work environment for customers and staff.

The building expected to be completed in four years will rest on 4,500 square meters.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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