Electric Service Resumes in Lalibela Town

The electricity service disrupted by the terrorist TPLF for the last 13 months in the historical and tourist center of Lalibela town resumed today.

One of the residents of the Lalibela, Haile Mola said the inhabitants have been suffering due to lack of  electric power since the TPLF invaded the town for the second time over a year ago.

The local community’s livelihood, which is strongly attached to tourism has been highly affected, he added.

According to him, the local community has been suffering from shortage of food as the service delivery institutions, including  hotels, restaurants, and others stopped working.

The resumption of electric service will enable intuitions to resume their services, and make tourists come to the historical site, he added.

The other resident of the town, Belaynesh Sefiw expressed her excitement as electricity service resumed in the town.

According to her, the lack of peace and electric service has affected the tourist flow beyond making their life miserable.

The electric service will enable the residents to benefit by stimulating the economy, she added.

Lalibela town Mayor, Tesfa Habte, said, the “brave ENDF and the wonderful leadership of the government has helped the repair work to be executed quickly and the town is able to get electricity in a short period.”

The mayor recalled that the town was without electricity for more than 13 months due to the destruction caused by the terrorist TPLF.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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