Election Landmark in Political, Democratic Process of Country, Say Ambo Residents

Addis Ababa June 15/2021 (ENA) The 6th General Election will be a landmark in the political and democratic process of the country, according to some inhabitants of Ambo town.

A resident of Ambo town, Debele Getahun said “I hope this upcoming 6th election will be historic and lay foundation for a flourishing democracy which is crucial for political change in Ethiopia.”

According to him, the past elections were not free, fair, transparent, and democratic. Only one party secured all the seats. He particularly cited the election the ruling party crushed violently upon learning that the opposition secured sizeable seats in 2015.

Even if this government is trying hard to make this election free, fair and peaceful, all Ethiopians should nonetheless play active role in ensuring peace and exercising their constitutional rights, Debele stated.

The other resident, Chala Jibitti said on his part “I am eagerly waiting for the voting day to vote for the party that will work for the development and unity of our country.”

Noting that the election process has so far been good, “I hope it will be peaceful, free and democratic.”

Chala said the upcoming election is important because it establishes the constitutional bases for the acceleration of multi-faceted reform programs that are getting momentum in the country.

For him, this year’s election is special because Ethiopians are waiting the second round water impoundment of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and realizing the remaining construction.

He underlined that all Ethiopians should work to ensure that the next election will be a landmark in the political history of Ethiopia.

The female resident of the town, Yehualeshet Amde said the 6th General Election is important as we will to vote for our representative freely and without any pressure.

“In order to make this election peaceful and democratic, all should discharge their responsibilities,” she added.

About 37 million Ethiopians are registered to vote in the upcoming 6th General Elections, which is expected to be free, fair and democratic.


Source: Ethiopian News Agency.

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