DPM & FM Demeke Urges Diaspora to Continue Efforts to Protect Ethiopia’s Sovereignty

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen has urged the Ethiopian diaspora to make history once more by uniting and putting their country first in order to protect its sovereignty, considering the increasing pressures on Ethiopia.

Demeke has also thanked Ethiopians in the Diaspora for their support to the country during critical times.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister was speaking at a forum that was organized by Ethiopian Diaspora Service to discuss Ethiopian Diaspora engagement in public and digital diplomacy.

Demeke stated that the government is preparing a roadmap to guide its diplomatic activities in order to increase the number of friendly countries, partners and expand its sphere of influence.

Director General of the Ethiopian Diaspora Service, Dr. Mohamed Endris for his part said that the forum was prepared to discuss the conditions that could encourage and strengthen the diaspora’s public and digital diplomacy activities.

He stated that many encouraging results have been recorded in the activities carried out thus far, and that it is necessary to work to expand the movement started by the diaspora, while acknowledging that pressures may continue to intensify in the future.

The leaders and members of the diaspora organizations who attended the forum also presented their activities and the issues that they would like to focus on in order to strengthen the movement and increase national benefits.

The forum was attended by Ethiopian ambassadors and heads of missions, senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, and leaders and members of diaspora organizations.

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