DPM Demeke Says Destruction of Key Sectors Reveals Ill Intention of Terrorist TPLF to Weaken Nation

The attacks orchestrated by the terrorist TPLF on the various economic infrastructures, public and private institutions is not a mere act of gangster but aims at weakening the overall capabilities of the nation, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnon underlined.

Demeke made the remark during his visit to infrastructures destroyed and looted by the terrorist TPLF in Dessie and Kombolcha towns of Amhara region.

It has been reported that the terrorist TPLF has deliberately destroyed a number of infrastructures, looted the properties of private and public institutions as well as individuals in several towns of the Amhara and Afar regional states.

Hotels, Universities, Hospitals and factories were among the vandalized and looted infrastructures in Dessie and Kombolcha towns that the Deputy Prime Minister has visited.

One of the facilities visited by Demeke was the Dessie Tissue Culture Center which was destroyed by the heinous act of the group.

The government of Ethiopia has established the Dessie Tissue culture Center to modernize and transform the agriculture sector of Ethiopia.

Demeke said the reason the terrorist TPLF destroyed Dessie Tissue Culture Center is to deliberately sabotage the government’s plan to modernize the nation’s agriculture with a view to help farmers get out of poverty.

While TPLF was in power, the group has made several attempts to prevent the center’s establishment in the region Demeke said.

However, due to efforts by various actors the tissue culture center was realized in Dessie, he added.

The destruction of the center is not a vain act of vandalism but a deliberate attempt to curb all the development gains so far and weaken the country, the Deputy premier stated.

“Tissue culture is a new kind and very important technology to modernize the agriculture. The Tissue culture center built in Dessie town of Amhara region is a center that will help to modernize and transform the agriculture sector of Ethiopia. The group had deliberately destroyed the center with a view to prolong poverty by depriving the nation from the use of such technologies. A lot of efforts had been exerted to realizing this key center,”  Demeke said.

During the tour Demeke has also visited the Kombolcha Chip Wood factory.

According to Demeke, the deliberate destruction of big factories that are critically important to earn foreign currency clearly indicates the group’s intention to weaken the country’s economy.

“The attack orchestrated by the terrorist TPLF is systematically targeted on economic infrastructures that are critically vital to the overall advancement of the country. The purpose is not only just to destroy the facilities but to deliberately devastate the future development of the nation by weakening regional and national capabilities. However it is important to reverse these destructions by taking the necessary measures to rehabilitate the facilities and enable them resume operation,” he elaborated.

The deputy Prime Minister vowed that the government will offer support to the business enterprises, institutions and infrastructures to get them back to work.

According to him, the government will also work to get people back to their home and rehabilitate the victims.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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