DPG, Gov’t Express Commitment to Strengthen Partnership to Address Challenges in Ethiopia

The Development Partners Group (DPG) and the Government of Ethiopia expressed commitment to further strengthen partnership by deepening dialogue and coordinating efforts to address existing and emerging challenges in Ethiopia.

According to Ministry of Finance, the Heads of Agencies of the Development Partners Group (DPG) in Ethiopia held a meeting in Addis Ababa.

The meeting was co-chaired by Deputy Director of the African Development Bank Dr. Abdul Kamara, and Head of German Development Cooperation, Mrs. Laura Schmidt.

In addition to the Heads of Agencies constituting the DPG, the meeting was also attended by the Ambassadors of different countries.

The meeting served as an important platform to exchange views with high level representation from the Ethiopian Government.

Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide and the Minister of Peace, Muferiat Kamil provided updates on the current macroeconomic and humanitarian situation.

Commissioner of the Planning and Development Commission, Dr. Fitsum Assefa has also presented the key elements and approach of the 10 Year Development Plan proposing a set of mechanisms for implementation, and invited development partners to join efforts to ensure an effective execution.

The discussions between Heads of Agencies and Government representatives focused on the current economic and financial situation of Ethiopia.

They have also exchanged views on progress of implementation of the ongoing economic and fiscal reforms, as well as on the grave humanitarian situation and challenges for delivery of humanitarian aid, particularly in Tigray, Amhara and Afar regions.

During the occasion, the government of Ethiopia has requested Development Partners to advance humanitarian support to meet the need.

The Development Partners Group and the Government of Ethiopia also expressed commitment to further strengthen their partnership by deepening dialogue and coordinating efforts to address existing and emerging challenges of the country.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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