Doctoral studies 2023: Thirty students in mathematics and computer science present their research
Ouagadougou, The Mathematics and Computer Science Laboratory (LAMI) of Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, opened Tuesday, the 2023 doctoral studies with the participation of thirty students who will present for seventy-two hours their research, with the aim of preparing their defense in 2023 or at the beginning of 2024.
“The meeting which brings us together today and which will last three (03) days corresponds to the doctoral studies which will see the participation of 30 doctoral students in mathematics and computer science,” declared the director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Laboratory (LAMI ) of Joseph-Ki-Zerbo University, Stanislas Ouaro, former Minister of National Education.
For Mr. Ouaro, the Doctoral School of Science and Technology (ED-ST) wants to bring, among other things, students to become aware of the advantages of training through research, to the identification of their own potential and to the valorization of their skills.
He also explained that these 3 days of exchanges will allow doctoral students to communicate with an audience who is not a specialist in the subject covered to approach the post-thesis world, to practice team work, to discover the company in its diversity and its richness , and meet its actors.
Stanislas Ouaro noted that the meeting will also allow students to immerse themselves in the employment of doctors and to reflect on their integration through the definition of professional project.
“Preparing the thesis is a real professional experience that should be valued. This valorization is done through communication with others, through team collaboration, etc. “, he argued.
According to the former Minister of National Education, the areas of research at LAMI are algebra, analysis, differential equations, partial differential equations, mathematical modeling for life sciences and computer science. .
According to him, LAMI, which is a member of the Doctoral School of Science and Technology (ED-ST), brings together researchers, teacher-researchers and doctoral students in fundamental and applied mathematics, etc.
According to Stanislas Ouaro, the major innovations of this year 2023 are the running of sessions in face-to-face and online mode in order to take into account doctoral students and/or thesis directors on mission.
“ The registered doctoral student has his jury verify that he is regularly registered for a doctoral thesis followed by questions asked by the participants and discussion. Each jury includes the doctoral student’s thesis supervisor(s) and senior lecturer-researchers and researchers in the candidate’s specialty,” he confided.
The representative of the director of the ED-ST of KI-Zerbo University, Issaka Siko stressed that doctoral studies are part of the “essence” of life at LAMI.
Siko indicated that doctoral studies remain strong moments for reframing doctoral students in their research to enable them to finish their work in the desired time. “It’s an opportunity for them to finalize their research work to be able to support their doctorates,” he said.
Note that research activities are organized each year in the form of doctoral studies, presentations and seminars and workshops in order to encourage mixing between University students.
Source: Burkina Information Agency