Djibouti, South Sudan Officials Urge Horn Countries to Replicate Ethiopia’s Green Legacy

The Horn of Africa countries can replicate and benefit from the Green Legacy Initiative, Djibouti and South Sudan officials said.

South Sudan’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Deng Dau told ENA that the Green Legacy is one of the initiatives that countries in the region appreciate.

The Government of South Sudan is on board the Green Legacy through the Embassy of Ethiopia in Juba.

“We want to plant one million seedlings in South Sudan. Our Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture are (therefore) working hand-in-hand with the Embassy of Ethiopia for us to be able to advance this Green Legacy Initiative,” the deputy minister stated.

The Green Legacy is an initiative that would help to mitigate climate change, Deng Dau said, adding that “we have a flood in South Sudan in seven states out of ten. It affected the livelihood of people. It has displaced population, killed livestock as well as people. This is a very serious matter. So, we are looking to see these ideas and best practices on the issue of Green Legacy.”

The deputy minister stressed that the Horn of African countries and IGAD members can take and benefit from the initiative. “We have enhanced that level of cooperation between our two countries.”

Djibouti Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Permanent Secretary Mohammed Ali Hassan said the Greed Legacy is a very good initiative that Djibouti has started implementing.

“Djibouti will continue to work with the Government of Ethiopia on the initiative and we believe that this initiative would be beneficial for our region,” the permanent secretary said.

Climate change is the top issue for all the countries in the region as drought has seriously affected the countries in the region.

Ethiopia officially launched yesterday the Green Legacy Initiative with a target of planting 6 billion seedlings this rainy season.

The government has also been intensifying efforts to expand the campaign to neighboring countries with a view to creating a green Africa by providing seedlings.

It is to be recalled that Ethiopia’s National Green Legacy Campaign was initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019 with a view to combating the challenges of food insecurity by preventing land degradation.

The country has managed to plant 18 billion seedlings over the past three years.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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