Diaspora Brought About Concrete Change through NoMore Movement, Digital Diplomacy: MoFA

The efforts exerted by the Ethiopian Diaspora to protect the rights and interests of the country through the #NoMore movement and digital diplomacy have brought about concrete change, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).

A national conference that discusses the contribution of the diaspora to diplomacy is underway in Gondar.

Speaking at the opening of the forum, Foreign Affairs State Minister Birtukan Ayano said one of the reasons for the decision to hold the African Union Summit in Ethiopia was the large influx of diaspora to the country.

The state minister recalled that the diaspora residing in the different continents have made a big difference by denouncing negative views and reports on Ethiopia through the NoMore movement and digital diplomacy.

She further noted that the diaspora community has also contributed its share to alleviating the shortage of foreign exchange in the country by sending over 9 billion USD remittance during  the past three years.

Birtukan finally thanked the diaspora for the commitment they have shown to help the country overcome its difficulties by accepting the homecoming call.

Ministry Spokesperson Dina Mufti said on his part that countries like India have worked in collaboration with the diaspora to bring about development.

Even if Ethiopia is also a country with a large number of diaspora, it has not been able to use them properly due to various reasons, he added.

Following the reform, however, the effort to involve the diaspora in all national affairs is bringing about some change that will be further intensified.

Gondar University President, Asrat Atsedewein said the various supports given to the university in technology transfer, creativity and other spheres by the diaspora is encouraging.

He also cited the contribution of diaspora scholars in teaching, raising funds for research, and providing teaching materials.

According to the president, the university is ready to identify investment alternatives and provide  consulting services to the diaspora.

Members of the diaspora and federal, regional, zonal and city administrations officials are taking part in the conference organized by Gondar University and the city administration.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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