Defense Minister Abraham Reaffirms Government’s Determination for Implementing Peace Agreement

Defense Minister Abraham Belay (PhD) reaffirmed the government’s determination to implement the peace agreement signed between the Ethiopian government and TPLF.

Minister of Defense has recognized and awarded the participants of the peace agreement reached in Pretoria, South Africa, and Nairobi, Kenya representing the government.

The minister said during the occasion that the delegation who participated in the peace process on behalf of the government has made a great contribution to the completion of the peace process in a manner that respects the sovereignty and national interests of Ethiopia.

Hence, they should also be commended as the peace agreement sparked hope to all Ethiopians, especially to citizens who were in the conflict areas, he added.

Expressing the government’s commitment to the effective implementation and sustainability of the peace agreement, the minister pointed out that there are conflict traders who work to disrupt the implementation of the agreement.

The Minister further urged peace spoilers to refrain from their acts.

Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) Chief of General Staff, Field Marshal Birhanu Jula said on his part that the defense force is heroic army that loves its country and puts peace first.

He indicated that the peace agreement reached in South Africa and Kenya was concluded in a manner that respected the territorial integrity of Ethiopia.

“As the peace agreement was conducted well with a common understanding, we are committed to its implementation,” Field Marshal Birhanu said.

Peace Alternative Committee member, Ambassador Hassen Abdelkadir said for his part that Ethiopia remains a peace-loving country and the government has demonstrated this position repeatedly.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency
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