Decision to Resolve Conflict in North Shows Ethiopia’s Commitment to Peace: Israeli Amb.

Ethiopia’s decision to resolve the conflict in the northern part of the country peacefully reinforces its role as a symbol of peace in the region and beyond, Israel’s Ambassador to Ethiopia said.

Ambassador Aleligne Admasu added that Israel supports the efforts to resolve conflicts in Ethiopia through peaceful means.

It is to be recalled that the federal government had been exerting efforts to resolve the problem in the northern part of the country peacefully.

Even after the war began it has shown its commitment to peace by declaring unilateral ceasefire

The Israeli Ambassador told ENA that his country understands well the importance of peace and cooperation and is working closely with the Arab countries around it.

Peace is a foundation of everything, he said, adding the government of Israel appreciated the efforts of Ethiopia to solve problems peacefully.

The effort of Ethiopia, which is close to the Middle East region, to solve problems peacefully is therefore commendable.

“Peace is very important. Peace is essential as food is needed for anything. And what is being done to make peace in Ethiopia is magnificent. This must continue,” Ambassador Aleligne noted.

According to him, the peace alternative that the government has started is useful to Ethiopia and its people. It is a lesson for neighboring countries, Africa and the region.

The ambassador, who said that Israel supports Ethiopia’s peaceful approach, underscored that the reigning of peace in the country would enable the government to fully engage in development.

Moreover, the prevalence of peace in the country will help strengthen the development and other cooperation of other countries with Ethiopia, he noted.

“The peace committee is very important and beneficial to the society and the country. It is also beneficial to the neighboring countries and the continent at large. It is very instructive; and we also need peace in Israel. It is only when there is peace in a country that a country can develop.”

Ambassador Aleligne pointed out that “Ethiopia is a country that united Africa and a symbol of peace that says let’s live together in peace.”

He also appreciated its role in keeping peace around the world.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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