Decision of AU on Summit Shows Member States Not Falling into Trap of Western Fake News Narrative

The decision to go through with hosting the AU Summit in Addis Ababa shows that the member states did not fall for the US-led Western fake news narrative alleging that the Ethiopian capital is under siege and unsafe, the American political analyst Andrew Korybko said.

Korybko told ENA that the decision of AU members showed that the bloc solidly stands behind Ethiopia in both its ongoing war on terror against the TPLF and the US-led Western maximum pressure campaign against it.

It also comes after the NDF crushed TPLF on the battlefield, strategically halted its advance outside of Tigray Region, and began moving forward with the government’s plans to hold an inclusive national dialogue. The AU seemingly approves of all three interconnected developments, he elaborated.

The US-led West has attempted to leverage its far-reaching network of influence across some AU member states to pressure them into changing their plans to hold the bloc’s summit in Addis Ababa, the analyst revealed.

Even if some member states like Egypt are considered to be antagonistic towards Ethiopia — to put it mildly, they decided to fall in line with the rest of the bloc in order to presumably avoid unnecessarily isolating themselves, according to Korybko.

He noted that this pragmatic choice suggests that they finally realize the futility of meddling in Ethiopia’s affairs.

“This ultimately unsuccessful campaign was meant to breathe fresh life into the failed information warfare narrative alleging that the Ethiopian capital is under siege and unsafe.”

It was also intended to divide and rule the bloc on the basis of politicizing other recent internal developments in the country.

Moreover, Korybko underlined that Ethiopia is the continent’s cradle of anti-imperialism and pan-Africanism. It has always played a leading role in African affairs.

“It’s therefore not for naught that the country hosts the AU’s headquarters. Most recently, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed proposed that Africa finally be represented on the UN Security Council,” he pointed out.

The initiative has generated widespread support and reaffirmed the country’s historical role in supporting African causes on the world stage.

It is also to be recalled that the premier appreciated leaders of the African Union member states  for deciding to hold the AU meeting in Addis Ababa.

The summit will be held at the end of this month.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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