Commission Calls on Diaspora to Fully Engage in Building Nat’l Consensus Endeavor

The National Dialogue Commission of Ethiopia has called on the diaspora to fully engage in the national consensus endeavor.

In the consultation forum organized by the Ethiopian Diaspora Service today, National Dialogue Deputy Commissioner, Hirut Gebresellassie, said the diaspora can play a vital role in supporting the effort of the commission.

Among its contributions could be sharing the experiences of different countries that successfully passed through similar challenges, she added.

The Ethiopian Diaspora, which is active, can also help create better communication between the government and the people.

In addition, the diaspora can support the effort to build a better political culture, improve cohesion and defuse disagreements, the deputy commissioner stated.

Foreign Affairs State Minister Birtukan Ayano said on her part that the government understands the role the diaspora can play.

The aim of the consultation forum is therefore to raise the awareness of the diaspora community about the objectives of commission and the process underway.

Ethiopia has rich values in dialogue and consultation, the state minister noted, adding that the country should capitalize on those values.

Ethiopian Diaspora Service Deputy Director-General, Mohamed Edris said the objective of this platform is to act as a bridge between the National Dialogue Commission and the Ethiopian Diaspora.

The National Dialogue Commission has its own platforms to manage dialogue issues and “we are not interfering with their mandate, but trying to create a fertile ground for the relationship between the National Dialogue Commission and the diaspora.”

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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