Combined Evaluation of the European Union’s Humanitarian Interventions in the Horn of Africa, 2016 – 2020, and DG ECHO’s Partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross, September 2022 – Final Report [EN/FR]


The combined evaluation of the European Union’s humanitarian interventions in the Horn of Africa, 2012-2016, and DG ECHO’s partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is drawn on evidence from desk research, data analysis, interviews, field missions, focus groups and workshops, to provide a retrospective assessment and propose strategic recommendations.

The Horn of Africa evaluation was focused on two thematic areas, (i) cash as a modality and (ii) forced displacement. Cross-cutting issues such as coordination, resilience and the Nexus were also covered. The evaluation concludes that, overall, the European Union’s humanitarian interventions in the Horn of Africa over 2016-2020 were relevant, coherent, and added value. Evidence was somewhat more mixed regarding effectiveness and efficiency.

The evaluation DG ECHO’s partnership with the ICRC found that the partnership was mutually beneficial and brought added value to both organisations’ responses to humanitarian crises. There was a good alignment and complementarity between ICRC and DG ECHO’s strategic priorities and objectives, as well as their mandates, competences and resources. Through their specific roles, both partners contributed to an efficient and effective humanitarian response. The joint advocacy efforts also contributed to improving the protection of civilians and compliance with IHL in several countries.


Source: European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

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