Close to 94 % Vote for New Region in Southwest Ethiopia Referendum: NEBE

National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) announced today that more than 1.2 million people, or 93.9 percent of the over 1.3 million registered referendum voters, have voted in favor of the South West Ethiopia Regional State.


In his presser today, NEBE Deputy Chairperson Wubshet Ayele said over 1.2 million people have voted for the formation of new regional state.


Southwest Ethiopia includes Keffa, Sheka, Bench-Sheko, Dawro, West Omo zones and Konta Special Woreda.


According to Wubshet, the over 1.2 million people out of the total registered more than 1.3 million voted in favor of new regional state.


The percentage of those who voted in favor of new region is 93.9, the deputy chairperson said.


The referendum was held on September 30, 2021.


The new regional state is going to be Ethiopia’s 11th region.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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