Chinese Company Keen to Invest in Green Development Projects in Ethiopia

Chinese company called CGCOC Group expressed keen interest to invest in green development projects in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Ambassador Teshome Toga today held a fruitful discussion with the vice president of CGCOC Group and Managing Director of East African Branch, Gao Lei.

The two sides exchanged views on ways that the company can make investments on the Green Development Projects focusing on Solar Energy, Electric City Bus and Juncao Techonolgy, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the discussion, Ambassador Teshome noted that Ethiopian Government is committed to carry on Green Development Projects and in doing so encourage companies like CGCOC to invest in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is gifted with significant renewable energy resources, with huge potential of hydro, solar, wind, and geothermal power and called on the company to work in a joint venture with Ethiopian investors who have interests on related areas, he added.

Ethiopia as the home of largest livestock population in Africa, the embassy will provide the necessary support to CGCOC to realize ”Juncao Technology ” which is reputable project that works mainly on animal fodder and mushroom productions, the ambassador stated.

CGCOC Group Managing Director Gao Lei on his part said that his company is an international enterprise with businesses covering over many countries around the world.

According to him, as Ethiopia prioritized working on Green Development Projects, the company presented three new matching projects in the area.

The company is committed to execute those projects by working together with Ethiopian local businesses, he underscored.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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