China Unswervingly?Follows Human Rights Dev’t Path That Suits?Its?National Conditions

China will unswervingly follow the human rights development path that suits its national conditions, and advocate the shared values of humanity, including peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, Chinese Embassy in Addis Ababa said in a press Release.

At the invitation of the Chinese government, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet visited China during 23 to 28 May.

In a press release the embassy issued on Bachelet’s visit to China it is indicated that this is Bachelet’s first visit to China since she took office as well as the first such visit by a UN human rights chief in 17 years.

During the visit, President Xi Jinping met via video link with High Commissioner Bachelet. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has also met with the High Commissioner.

The Chinese government and the High Commissioner had extensive, in-depth and candid discussions in the spirit of mutual respect and openness.

The Chinese side gave the High Commissioner a comprehensive introduction on the path, philosophy and achievements of China’s human rights development.

The two sides exchanged views on global human rights governance, multilateral human rights work, China’s cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and other issues of common interest.

In Guangzhou, High Commissioner Bachelet visited projects that reflect China’s community-level democracy, poverty alleviation, judicial safeguard, environmental protection, people’s well-being, rights protection of specific groups, and human rights education.

In Xinjiang, High Commissioner Bachelet was presented with the measures taken and achievements made in the region on counter-terrorism and deradicalization, social and economic development, ethnicity and religion, and labor rights protection.

She also had field trips in Kashgar and Urumqi where she had conversations with people from various communities, including ethnic minorities, academics, and representatives of different social sectors.

With the joint efforts of both sides, the visit enhanced understanding on China’s path on human rights development, set forth China’s proposition for global human rights governance, strengthened China’s cooperation with the OHCHR and provided an opportunity to observe and experience first-hand a real Xinjiang.

The Press Release stated that China will unswervingly follow the human rights development path that suits its national conditions, and advocate the shared values of humanity, including peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom.

“China stands ready to cooperate with the OHCHR and others on the basis of equity and mutual respect, to actively carry out international human rights exchange and cooperation, enhance participation in global human rights governance, and jointly contribute to the sound development of international human rights and to the community with a shared future for mankind.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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