China Adopts Law on Countering Foreign Sanctions

(ENA) China’s top legislature, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress has adopted law on countering foreign sanctions on June 10th.

President Xi Jinping signed a presidential order to promulgate the law, which took effect immediately, according to a press release from the Embassy of China in Ethiopia.

The purpose of formulating this law is to counter, fight and oppose unilateral sanctions on China imposed by foreign countries, safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals and organizations.

China firmly believes that non-interference in internal affairs is principle enshrined in the UN Charter and a basic norm governing international relations, which must be observed by all countries, it noted.

However, in recent years, some Western countries and organizations have smeared China’s domestic and foreign policies, and imposed sanctions upon related state organs, organizations and public servants under such pretexts as Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong-related issues.

The Chinese government strongly condemns such hegemonistic acts, and Chinese people from all walks of life are calling for actions in strong indignation.

In order to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, dignity and core interests and oppose Western hegemonism and power politics, the Chinese government has launched multiple rounds of countermeasures against entities and individuals of relevant countries since the beginning of 2021.

And in this light, it is necessary, vital and in a timely manner to formulate a specific law on countering foreign sanctions, the embassy said.

It should be emphasized that, the law is in line with the spirit of the UN resolutions, the international law and the basic norms governing international relations, it was indicated.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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