Chief Administrator of Amhara Region Vows to Rebuild Infrastructures Destroyed by TPLF

The Chief Administrator of Amhara Region vowed to rehabilitate infrastructures vandalized by the heinous acts of the terrorist TPLF in the region.

It is to be recalled that the terrorist TPLF had destroyed and looted a number of public and private properties including health facilities, schools, and bridges among other vital infrastructures.

A delegation led by the Chief Administrator of the region, Dr. Yelekal Kefeale has visited the heavily looted and destroyed Woldiya University, which has been serving thousands of Ethiopians from across the country.

During the occasion, Dr. Yelekal said “with sacrifices we have gained our freedom, the next thing is to rebuild infrastructures that have been ruined as a result of the terrorist TPLF invasion.”

By looting and destroying the university, the terrorist TPLF has shown its enmity not only to the people of Amhara and Afar regions but to all Ethiopians, he added.

According to Dr. Yekelal, TPLF has destroyed educational institutions to deliberately deny the new generation right for education, and added its action is designed to keep young Ethiopians remain illiterate.

However, he said Ethiopians are ready to rebuild every infrastructure that the terrorist TPLF has ruined.

The chief administrator also stated that “with the support of other Ethiopians we are going to rebuild all the destroyed infrastructures,” indicating that efforts have already been started to rehabilitate the infrastructures.

North Wollo Zone Administrator, Deacon Tesfahun Bantew on his part urged the community to support and stand with the government to in the efforts to  rebuild the university.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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