Briefings on Current Situations Help To Sort False Information from the Truth: Defence Attaches

Defence attaches residing in Addis Ababa were given briefings on the current security situations of Ethiopia on Saturday at the premises of the new headquarter of Ministry of Defense.
The briefing was given by Brigadier General Bulti Tadesse, Foreign Relations Director, Ministry of Defence and  Fesseha Shawel, Neighboring Countries and IGAD Affairs Director-General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The defense attaches said they have gained a lot of valuable information from the briefings on the current situations in the country which enable them to get better understanding.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Defense Attaché at Australian Embassy, Andrew Gilbert said the briefing provided them with crucial information about the policy of  the government.

He added that the Ethiopian Defense Force did an outstanding job in ensuring the safety and security of the residents of Addis Ababa and made significance advances in improving security and safety of regional areas.

“The problem we have as attaches being in Addis Ababa, we have found it very difficult to sort fake news from the real news. We have to rely on briefing given such as today to find out what the truth situation is. There has been a lack of reporting by the international community, there  seems to be a lot of misinformation from the TPLF about what is happening. And it is really hard to combat fake news without real news.”

The Ethiopian people have been very supportive of their government and the defense force, he said, adding that the rallies that have been held in Ethiopia have shown concerted efforts to fight the TPLF.

Defense Attaché at Sweden Embassy, Lieutenant Colonel Patrik Edentoft on his part said:

“Now, you are actually gone away from difficulties which was a couple of months ago. I think that the government now is handling the things the way they can and most important thing for Sweden now is to get to humanitarian aid to continue and to give the relief for the people who is in suffering.”

Regarding to the national dialogue commission which has been approved by the House of People’s Representatives, the colonel said that the dialogue commission is a big step for the future and it is humble approach to solve the differences.

Defense Attaché at Nigeria embassy Colonel Emeka Akaliro on his part said almost every country has its own security challenges and they are happy to get this briefing.

Recalling false information by some western media, he said Addis Ababa is safe. There was a lot of false information before. “But, we have been here, my embassy never moved, he said.

He went on saying :”We have been all here in Addis. So, we can tell the world that Addis Ababa is safe.”

“The briefing was very enlightening and we were informed on what is the situation now and we really gained a lot from it. Because we know that there was a lot of false information before. But now this kind of briefing creates an avenue for the right information to get into the embassies through defence attaches ,” the Colonel said.

He also said they were briefed about the national dialogue which is moving  in the right direction and they were also happy to see everything is under control.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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