Book on History of Ethiopian Foreign Relations Inaugurated

A book that narrates Ethiopia’s foreign relations from ancient time to the present was inaugurated at the office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.

The book written in the Amharic language is authored by Aklilu Kebede, African Affairs Director-General at the ministry.

During the inauguration ceremony, representative of the deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister said that the book shows that Ethiopia was not a country detached from the rest of the world rather a country with longstanding diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.

The book noted that Ethiopia has been one of the dominant actors in bilateral and multilateral relations of the world since pre-Axumite civilization.

In the message he read, the representative stated that the book would enable young Ethiopian diplomats to explore the experiences of Ethiopian diplomatic relation and acquire more knowledge from it.

According to the author, 60 percent of the price of the book will proceed to the rehabilitation of  IDPs and victims of the invasion by the terrorist TPLF.



Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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