Blinken Says Cessation of Hostilities Agreement Most Powerful Testament to Importance of African Leadership

The cessation of hostilities agreement on the conflict in northern Ethiopia is one of the most powerful testaments to the importance of African leadership, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said today.

Following the conclusion of his official visit to Ethiopia this evening, he said that an African led solution is recently bearing fruit.

“African led solutions are increasingly making the difference on the challenges of the 21st century. One of the most powerful testament to the importance of African leadership has been the November 2nd 2022 cessation of hostilities agreement and the conflict in the northern part of Ethiopia.”

Blinken noted that the peace agreement is vital to save lives and promote peace in Ethiopia.

According to him, the cessation of hostilities agreement is a major achievement and step forward in saving and changing lives. The guns are silent as the fighting stopped., humanitarian assistance flowed and reached all communities in need. Services are restored in the Tigray region.

The state secretary also appreciated the dedicated diplomacy of the mediators from the African Union, Kenya and South Africa.

The African Union’s moderating mechanism is a successful implementation, he added.

“Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the Ethiopian federal government, Tigray regional leaders should be commended for reaching this agreement on the significant progress and delivering on their commitments.This has created the foundation to rebuild the communities that have been suffering in Tigray, Amhara, and the Afar regions. They need help and support.”

During his one day visit to Ethiopia, the state secretary met with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and discussed domestic, regional and bilateral issues of mutual concern, with a commitment for enhancing the partnership between Ethiopia and the US.

Blinken has also announced 331-million USD in new humanitarian assistance for Ethiopia in FY 2023, according to the US Department of State.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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