Baseline and Endline Evaluation of WFP’s USDA McGovern – Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Programme’s Support in Afar and Oromia regions in Ethiopia 2019 to 2024


1. This baseline study is for an evaluation of a McGovern-Dole school feeding project in Ethiopia that started in 2020. It was commissioned by the World Food Programme (WFP) Ethiopia country office under a project agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1 The project agreement was signed in December 2019 and commencement was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Evaluation Objectives

1. The approved evaluation plan envisages a baseline study, a mid-term review (MTR), and a final evaluation, all to be undertaken by the same independent evaluators. The baseline assessment should enable the endline to robustly assess the project’s achievements The evaluations are required to pay special attention to gender analysis. The endline evaluation (in 2024) will include a follow-up to the baseline survey as part of an evidence-based, performance assessment for accountability and learning.

2. The report’s primary users, alongside the evaluation team, are stakeholders directly involved in programme implementation. These include WFP Ethiopia and its main implementing partner, Ethiopia’s federal Ministry of Education, together with Regional Education Bureaus for Afar and Oromia Regions.

USDA has a direct interest, as do WFP’s headquarters, its Regional Bureau in Nairobi, and other organisations on the evaluation reference group.

Source: World Food Programme

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