AU Initiated Peace Agreement Exemplary to Africans, Says Pan-Africanist American Editor

The peace agreement signed between the Federal Government of Ethiopia and TPLF is exemplary to Africans in their bid to solve African problems with African solutions, the American Editor and Publisher of Pan-African News Wire Abayomi Azikiwe said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Azikiwe stated that it was great that the African Union took the initiative to hold the peace talk and appreciated all the pertinent bodies involved in the AU-led peace talk.

According to him, the peace initiative is the most significant aspect of the whole peace process, which is a showcase for ”African solutions for African problems.

“The editor noted that there are also difficulties which require diplomatic solutions in other parts of Africa.

The signing of this agreement between the federal government and TPLF is important, and it should be replicated in other African countries, Azikiwe said.

TPLF is going to disarm in accordance the signed agreement, and hopefully they will stick to the agreement which enables Ethiopia to ensure peace and stability, he added.

The editor pointed out that Ethiopia is attempting to consolidate its national interest, and since Prime Minister Abiy came to power 4 years ago with the mandate to play peace in the region a peace accord was signed with Eritrea.

The prime minister has been involved in issues of Pan-Africanism, African unity, the Horn of Africa, and the entire continent, he stated.

Azikiwe further elaborated that Ethiopia, being one of the most populous countries in Africa, has a key role to play in terms of peace and stability in the entire continent as it maintains its peace and stability.

”The American editor noted that there were mounting pressures on the Government of Ethiopia following the outbreak of the conflict, he however called on those powers to not intervene in the internal affairs of Ethiopia.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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