American Political Analyst Accuses West of Using Human Rights to Sell War

Western governments are employing “humanitarian imperialism” by falsely claiming that the Ethiopian government is carrying out ethnic cleansing and even genocide in Tigray, American Political Analyst Andrew Korybko said.

The Moscow-based American political analyst who also specializes in US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and Hybrid Warfare, responding to questions posed by ENA via email said Western governments are using human rights to sell war, that is “humanitarian imperialism.”

One may presume that the Western media and Western policy are guided by truth, which isn’t the case, he added.

The first wages information warfare for self-interested ideological and other reasons, oftentimes under the influence of Western states, while the second manipulates perceptions about various events in order to advance its interests at others expense, he elaborated.

In the Ethiopian context, the US policy is to weaken the country from within by pressuring the country’s internationally recognized government to consider the terrorist-designated TPLF to be their political equal.

The analyst noted that the resultant unofficial internal partition of Ethiopia would permanently handicap the country and create a precedent to apply towards other African states.

“The Western media goes along with this because Western governments are employing humanitarian imperialism by falsely claiming that the Ethiopian government is carrying out ethnic cleansing and even genocide in Tigray,” Korybko noted.

These allegations are meant to generate sympathy for the TPLF and therefore lead to the international community supporting its self-interested vision for the de facto internal partition of the country.

The analyst stressed that it is implied that this group deserves to be treated as political equal with the Ethiopian government after all that the latter allegedly did to them thus justifying their radical cause.

“None of this is by mistake, but by design. The US-led West knows exactly what it’s doing. America’s allies fall into place by following its lead because it’s politically convenient and they don’t want to risk its wrath by contradicting their patron’s narrative,” Andrew stated.

As for the Western media, “they gleefully pick up and propagate the false allegations made against the Ethiopian government because it generates dramatic headlines and therefore leads to more readers/viewers. These policies aren’t misguided, but deliberately malicious.”

Korybko further underlined that the US-led West and their media like stories that they can spin as “David vs. Goliath” narratives. The TPLF are misportrayed as the “righteous underdog” fighting against a “totalitarian evil” that needs to be toppled.

“This false narrative is due to the unsubstantiated allegations that the Ethiopian government is carrying out ethnic cleansing and even genocide in the Tigray region,” the analyst explained.

Korybko pointed out that these lies were spread as part of the US “humanitarian imperialism”, correctly predicting that this form of information warfare would decisively turn the US-led West’s opinion against the Ethiopian government and in the TPLF’s favor.

“The US envisions the TPLF functioning as its vanguard force for de facto internally partitioning Ethiopia through the Bosnian model of coercing its government into granting each region extremely broad autonomy up to the point of practically managing affairs as their own unofficial countries.”

This objective is being pursued to establish the precedent that can then be subsequently imposed upon the dozens of other African states that might also attempt to balance between China and the US in the New Cold War.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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