Ambassador Girma Urges Diplomats To Be Successful in the Field of Economic Diplomacy

Ambassador Girma Biru, Macroeconomic Advisor to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, told Ethiopian diplomats to be successful in the field of economic diplomacy.

At a training, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today for young and senior diplomats at the African Leadership Excellence Academy, Ambassador Girma spoke on a variety of subjects, including promoting Ethiopia’s exports and encouraging foreign investment.

He further stated the need to identify key areas for economic diplomacy, and discussing the politics of aid, loans, and economic sanctions.

Some nations have taken advantage of market opportunities, profited from the tourism industry, and received remittances, he pointed out.

The ambassador stressed that diplomats should be successful in the field of economic diplomacy, including fostering coordination among various sectors.

Mamo Mihretu, CEO of Ethiopian Investment Holdings, on his part said diplomats are expected to promote the homegrown economic reform, solicit support to the reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts.

Apart from drawing investment opportunities to Ethiopia, Mamo indicated that diplomats need to take steps to promote regional economic integration and movements of goods and services through the African Continental Free Trade area agreement.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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