Amb. Welch Expresses UK’s Desire To Support Ethiopia’s Economic Growth

The newly appointed UK Ambassador to Ethiopia, Darren Welch expressed that his country is desirous to support Ethiopia’s aspiration of economic growth and poverty reduction efforts.

Ambassador Welch handed over his letter of credentials to President Sahle-work Zewde today.

He discussed with President Sahle-work about ways of strengthening bilateral partnership based on mutual respect and trust.

UK’s government will continue helping Ethiopia in its effort to fight poverty, the ambassador said.

“Building our long history of diplomatic relations and helping, take together really important agenda, particularly around peace, economic development and growth, hoping the UK can accompany Ethiopia on its journey back to strong level of growth and poverty reduction and being that strong regional anchor for regional stability,”Ambassador Welch emphasized.

Rights of women and girls should be respected, he said, adding ensuring them access to education will contribute to the economy, and went on as saying: “I look forward to make a real difference.”

“The progress is positive so far and needs to obviously be continued. These things can be difficult to implement but with goodwill and determination and a positive attitude on both sides, I see no reason why shouldn’t continue in a positive trajectory. We very much hope that will be the case. Ethiopia needs peace across the whole country and then this land of enormous opportunity and potential and we will begin to see benefits of that” Ambassador Welch said.

He further said that they all have the role of supporting Ethiopians own efforts and this has to be Ethiopian-led processes, he said, and stressed “we will be there as a partner. We are plugging to all of the key international financial institutions if the conditions allow and alright we will be supportive of Ethiopia’s efforts.”

The UK has been a long standing development partner to Ethiopia for many years, the ambassador stated, and added “I can’t see why it shouldn’t continue to be the same and in fact grow in the future.”

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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