Africans Need to Support Ethiopia, Unite to Fight Colonial Rule: Ethiopian World Federation

Africans needs to support Ethiopia to come out of its current problems and unite to fight against colonial rule, Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated President Ezekie said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ethiopian World Federation Inc. President Kipp Ezekie said all Africans need to engage in order to ensure the freedom, liberty, and sovereignty of Ethiopia which stands for the freedom of Africa.

The federation, which is a Pan-African organization among the Rastafari in Jamaica, has been supporting Ethiopia in many ways and encouraging all the peoples of Africa and the diaspora in America to show their support for Ethiopia, he added.

According to the president, currently the whole world and black diaspora Africans eyes are on Africa, and Ethiopia in particular; and the ongoing support is very encouraging.

“We know Ethiopia has always maintained her sovereignty and dealt with her affairs by herself.  This is what makes Ethiopia the pride of the black people. So, we are just continually encouraging the spiritual and the physical support from around the world to support our family here in Ethiopia.”

Commenting on the false narrative of some Western media, Ezekie said “they are trying to exaggerate the situation in Ethiopia and playing very dangerous role, keeping us apart. So, what we need to do now is a lot of media campaigns on our own personal levels to fight this.”

The president underscored that Africans need to make their voices heard and stand together to fight colonial rule and keep Africa free.

Ras Haile Tiger Selassie, who is from Jamaica, said on his part it has been external influences that cause wars in Africa, and Ethiopia is no exception because they always wanted to colonize Ethiopia.

However, he warned that these countries need to understand Ethiopia is a sovereign nation and  move on a positive direction, which is realizing that Ethiopia within this continent has to set the standard for the rest of Africa to follow as a nation that has never been colonized.

Tiger Selassie noted that “Africans have to unite and form a singular body to really fight this colonial rule that has been  going on for generations. Ethiopia is a place to start that because it has the foundation within the people and the framework is already here to build independent nations. So, Africa as a whole, with Ethiopia at the helm has to realize that colonization at some point has to end.”

Regarding the #No More campaign, he said, “I think that is a great movement; and the world is finally realizing that the whole of Africa is awake.”

The big super power should realize that Africa as a whole needs to start doing things for itself, and they need to basically give Africa the way they find themselves. They can do business and international relations among themselves.

The Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated was established in the United States in 1937. Its aims were to mobilize support for Ethiopians during the Italian invasion of 1935-41, and to embody the unity of Ethiopians at home and abroad.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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