Africa Leadership Academy Preparing to search African Problems through Scientific Means: CEO

The Africa Leadership Excellence Academy is preparing to resolve common African and Ethiopian problems through conducting scientific researches, giving short and long term capacity building training, high level consultancy and mentoring services, Africa Leadership Excellence Academy CEO, Mihret Debebe (Dr.) said.

The CEO told ENA that it is under preparation to solve African challenges through policy research, consultancy and capacity building.

“We will do three important things here in the academy to scientifically solve Ethiopian and African problems. Practical policy researches, consultancy service and short term and long term training for enhanced leadership capacity,  based on requests from government and other institutions.”

Researchers can also work not only from within the academy, but also as fellows, Dr. Mihret pointed out.

“By investigating our failures and successes of Ethiopia, both from the past and present, we will forward research-driven success stories to relevant national and regional actors towards addressing the persistent challenges they both face.”

The academy, he pointed out, is preparing to undertake policy researches based on requests from governments and non-governmental actors.

The academy is also set to provide high-level consultancy, short and long term capacity building training based on similar requests from governments, private sector and other organizations, it was learned.

The CEO stated that African resources are not only on their earth, but also in their mind, requiring collaboration and Pan-African unity.

“We can say that our resources are found on the ground. But it is only through our mind that we can transform ideas into meaningful and beneficial wealth. This (the premises of the academy) was once a meaningless resource simply as a plot of land, but once someone thought it could be useful academy for Ethiopia and Africa, it materialized”

Dr. Mihret underscored the need to create unity in the sprite of Pan-Africanism in the continent and undertake integrated problem solving scientific inputs whether as research, consultancy, capacity building or in other beneficial form to identify problems for development.

The academy is open for any visit from Ethiopia and Africa to share experience, he added.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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