Afghanistan – Testimony for Failure of Western Foreign Policy

On Sunday night, the Taliban forces entered the capital Kabul and took control of the presidential palace while Afghan President, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, left the country.

This came 10 days after the Taliban launched a full-scale military offensive and less than a month before the deadline that US President Joe Biden had set for all US troops to withdraw from Afghanistan.

The US and its western allies invaded Afghanistan following the 9/11 attack orchestrated by the Al-Qaeda in September 11, 2001. During the time, U.S quickly controlled Kabul and dismantled the Taliban regime. But it did not stop its operation. Instead, it increased its troop presence in Afghanistan in 2010. At its peak, there were 100,000 American troops garrisoned in Afghanistan.

However, the US and its allies have not been successful in destroying the Taliban and end the war that has taken almost two decades. According to official data, the U.S government alone has spent up to 822 billion USD between 2001 and 2019 for its war in Afghanistan, excluding the human cost incurred in Afghanistan. Now, as declared by the Taliban, the war in Afghanistan is over, according to observers, “with a humiliating defeat”.

This sudden collapse of the westerner forces and the unprecedented military advancement of Taliban have brought about a total fear among the international community including the people of Afghanistan.

As a result of this catastrophe, the United States has proved its failure in the effort of changing regime in Afghanistan during the 20 years of longest battling and it could be a lesson to reconsider its policy of interference within the guise democracy and human rights.

With this outdated policy and the foolish decisions without much concern about the desires of people in many countries, various analysts point out that western intervention in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and other countries has led to untold sufferings, displacements and killings.

Furthermore, that kind of western intervention have brought about catastrophic incidents for millions of people in Africa including North-east Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Niger and Chad.

Similarly, the same crew have been deriving Ethiopia and trying to create another catastrophic mistake in the African continent. As the terrorist TPLF group is now working to drag the whole Ethiopia into a conflict, some western countries are behind this chaos.

Draw Lesson From Past  

According to researches, the U.S. Government has not been successful in all wars it carried out over the past years by interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. The Gulf War in Iraq, the conflicts in Libya and Somalia are considered to be the major failure of the United States. As indicated by observers, the only thing that the US brought nothing in these countries but turmoil and chaos that has been claiming lives and unexplainable agonies of people. Many advise the country to draw lesson from its past actions.

The campaign being carried out by the west including the US on Ethiopia to dismantle the nation by using the terrorist TPLF will not be successful as the people of the country are united whenever they encounter such foreign difficulties.

Ethiopia, which considered as the icon of counter-terrorism for decades in the Horn Africa has seemed now battling with its own domestic terrorist groups and excessive foreign interference. As a result of their dangerous and outdated policy, some western countries particularly, the U.S are attempting to pressurize the government of Ethiopia to give up its fight against terrorists. These foreign forces are publicly working in favor of the terrorist TPLF just to attain their ambition to disintegrate Ethiopia.

It is a public acknowledgment that the terrorist TPLF organization is working to dismembering or breakup Ethiopia. Even, this terrorist group ruled Ethiopia for 27 years with its dictatorial and plundering approach; the group was behind all the unrest in East Africa that governments speak out in the region.

Shene, the alliance of terrorist TPLF also attacked towns, killed innocent people in public, and massacred several others what the western have been well informed. But as long as Shene is on anti-Ethiopian propaganda, they have not yet said anything and it is not a terrorist for them.

However, unlike the experiences of many aforementioned counties that have been the victims of the U.S. interference, Ethiopians across the country have been showing solidarity with the government and expressing a nation-wide condemnation against the pressure of the western powers.

Furthermore, Ethiopia has mobilized millions of people in order to reverse the ongoing terrorist TPLF’s encroachment and fatalistic approach in Amhara and Tigray Regional States. This effort could be taken as the massive armed mobilization in Ethiopian history.

Consequently, Ethiopia is not Afghanistan. Neither is it Libya or Iraq, or any other nation that has been turned into a failed state by foreign interference. Ethiopians have been now confronting the terrorist TPLF and they have pledged together that the people will not hesitate until the group is utterly decimated, never to rear its ugly head again. They also affirmed no power can stop them from crushing the enemy and protecting the sovereignty of their country.

As the former US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Tibor Nagy put is recently, “Those saying Ethiopia will crumble like Yugoslavia are wrong. Yugoslavia was a country created by WWI’s winners while the Ethiopian nation evolved over 2,000 years of history and has overcome many previous crises. Once peace returns, it will thrive again.”


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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