Afar IDPs Recount Horrifying Attack by Terrorist TPLF

Internally displaced inhabitants of Afar Region sheltered at Logia said they fled at night to save their lives when the terrorist group TPLF fired at them indiscriminately during the night.

Many citizens displaced from four woredas of Zone 4 are sheltered in Logia Secondary School following the invasion of the terrorist group TPLF.

One of the IDPs told Ethiopian News Agency that the terrorist “invaded us at 2 AM in the night. The children, women and men dispersed in different directions. We have found some of them. But the others are still out in the desert. We don’t know whether they are alive or dead because of starvation. I have, for instance, a blind and sick child. I fled carrying him at that time of the night.

“We did not expect the attack. It was sudden. We ran away with our barefoot. A lot of people have died. Some were killed by tanks and other with bullet. Houses burned down, and we had to travel to Logia.

“Their intention is to destroy us. If they cared for us they wouldn’t do all these horrifying things on us. Many people have died. Several others disappeared in the desert. Many more have perished. Our houses were looted. People were beheaded. A lot others have also been trapped there. Dead bodies are all over the desert that have not been yet buried and left for vultures.”

According to the IDPS, they have left their properties and flee from the attack just to save their lives. Several shops were looted by the group.

“I used to have camels and goats. We just left to save our lives leaving the camels and goats there. I used to have shop too. They (TPLF) have taken all the goods in the shop loading with trucks.”

The IDPs traveled several kilometers on foot crossing the harsh desert to arrive in Logia, they said.

They called on the people of Ethiopia to stand together in order to end the heinous atrocities of the terrorist TPLF with a view to dismantle the country.

“As this group intends to dismantle Ethiopia, we all have to stand with our government and the National Defense Force to support their efforts to destroy the terrorist TPLF.”  

Official of Afar Regional State said that the IDPs have been receiving humanitarian support.

“ The city administration and regional government have been providing support to the IDPs. The communities particularly the youth themselves have also been mobilizing resources to support the IDPs,” the Mayor stated.


Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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