Addis Opens Series of Programs to Welcome Home Coming Ethiopian Diaspora

The Addis Ababa City Administration has opened today three of the eight programs prepared for the diaspora that respond to the Great Ethiopian Homecoming initiative.

Opening an exhibition and bazaar at Enteto Park today, Deputy Mayor Jantrar Abay said a series  of programs have been prepared for the home coming diaspora.

So far, three of the events have been opened, including the exhibition and bazar that went on display in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen at the Friendship Square.

“One of the exhibitions and bazars is opened here at Enteto Park, a magnificent park with clean air to breath. It is intended to introduce the diaspora with their home country culture and offer them with items to shop, while getting services as well as enjoying the infrastructures built around,” Jantirar said.

A Diaspora Hall that serves as an information center for the Ethiopian Diaspora was also opened.

Noting that the three programs have already been opened today, the deputy mayor added that  similar events will be held at Ethio-Plaza in front of the city municipality, Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park behind Tikur Ambesa (Black Lion) Hospital, Mechare Meda, Ambassador Park, and the newly built Abrehot Library around the parliament.

The programs that started today will stay until January 23, 2022, it was learned.

The deputy mayor noted that the series of programs are prepared to receive the home coming Ethiopians with love, joy and friendship as they have been struggling in the spirit of protecting  Ethiopia, particularly in the NoMore movement across the world to resist Western and some countries pressure on Ethiopia.

He also called on the residents of the city to warmly welcome the diaspora to make their stay joyful and lovely.

It is to be recalled that the Government of Ethiopia called on Ethiopians living in the diaspora to come back home as a home coming challenge to receive one million people from different countries in the world, defying the propaganda of some countries and media outlets that depict the country, including the capital city, as insecure.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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