AAU- School of Law Wins National Refugee Law Moot Court Competition

Addis Ababa University (AAU) School of Law has won the 2022 National Refugee Law Moot Court Competition hosted by Hawassa University conducted from May 12 -15, 2022.

The School told to the staff reporter that different teams of law students from 19 Ethiopian public universities participated in memorial submission in the National Moot Court Competition.

As stated by Jetu Edosa, coach of the AAU students’ team, in the quarter final oral round, 8 universities debated on topical issues of refugee law.

Finally, the AAU School of Law team represented by Yohannes Shimelis, Yordanos Nega and Bethlehem Getaneh won the final oral round competition against the team of law students from Arbamich University School of Law, Jetu Edosa added.

“Moot court is a co-curricular activity at many law schools. Participants take part in simulated court or arbitration proceedings, usually involving drafting memorials or memoranda and participating in oral argument. It is considered a specific form of stimulation in which students are asked to argue points of law before a stimulated court.”

Sources show that international moot competitions are generally targeted at students (including postgraduates) and only allow participants who have not qualified to practice law in any jurisdiction. However, there are a handful of international moot competitions that are targeted at newly qualified lawyers.

AAU School of Law stated that the winner team is to go abroad in a near future to participate another international moot court competition immediately after the University makes a congratulatory reception.

Source: Addis Ababa University

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