AAU College of Law and Governance Studies Provides Training

Addis Ababa University (AAU) College of Law and Governance Studies conducted a two-days training to its administrative staff focused on performance management, work ethics and performance appraisal at the Debre Zeit Bin International Hotel last weekend.

The College held the training with the intention of the importance that employees should be trained to make them active and productive in their day-to-day activities that they render in the institution.

Different experts and professionals on the topics provided the training to the staff, and the trainees discussed pointing out some challenges they faced while they were carrying out their duties and asked various questions for further clarifications from the training.

According to Asnake Yeshanew, team leader at the Human Resource Development Team of the College, organizing various trainings helps to minimize challenges and fill gaps that the employees usually face when they discharge their duties.

The trainees also shared their views that they would be benefited from the training being enabled to carry out their activities with full energy and motivation in the future mentioning what sort of capacities they built from other previous trainings.

About 60 staff members from all educational institutions of the College attended the two-days training that held at the Debre Zeit Bin International Hotel.

Source: Addis Ababa University

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